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Build a Camping Hot Tub
Gentleman. It's time to stack the odds in your favor. Surprise her with a Camping Hot Tub.
Look, I'm not going to lie. The success rate is very good with this little gem. Are you catching what I'm throwin'?
Anyways, this Hot Tub is super simple to build and it folds down flat!
Plus, I'll throw in the plans on how to make a camping shower which doubles as the hot tub heater.
Its even got cup holders! Ladies Love cup holders!
Purchase plans to build your very own camping hot tub or use it as a portable cold plunge pool.
These plans are cheaper than a decent bottle of wine. Plus, you get to impress her with your MANLY woodsman skills.
Chicks Dig Romantic Woodsmen
Camp Shower and Hot Tub Heater
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